ENPHO is organizing a 3-day Training on School Disinfection from 8th to 10th February, 2021 to enhance the knowledge of participants on preparation and use of chlorine disinfectants effectively at schools. Date: 8th to 10th February, 2021 Time: 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM Venue: ENP...
ENPHO organizing a 3-day training on Faecal Sludge Management
Hurry Up!! Registration Deadline is on 23 Jan, 2021(today) ENPHO is organizing a 3-day training on ‘Faecal Sludge Management’ from 25 to 27 January, 2021 at ENPHO Hall, New Baneshwor. The main objective of this training is to enhance the knowledge and skills of participants on FSM and describe its importa...
Opportunity to learn about the Wash’Em : Wash’Em Workshop
If you are looking for an opportunity to learn about the Wash'Em ; a process for rapidly designing evidence-based and context-adapted hand-washing behavior change programs in emergencies, here is an opportunity. Have you ever felt that all of your organisation's hygiene promotion...
एकै दिन सफा र स्वच्छ गाउँ घोषणा भएका पाँच गाउँको सरसफाइ यात्रा
धादिङ : धादिङको ज्वालामुखी गाउँपालिका वडा नम्बर ६ को देउराली टोल, हुलाक भञ्ज्याङ, मिलनटोल, सेतीदेवी टोल र साँघभन्ज्याङ गरी ५ वटा गाउँलाई गत मंगलबार एकैदिन स्वच्छ र सफा क्षेत्र घोषणा गरियो । देउराली टोलको ३४ घरधुरी, हुलाक भञ्ज्याङको १ सय १८ घरधुरी, मिलनटोलको ३५ घरधुरी र सेतीदेवी टोलको ३४ घरधुरी तथा साँघभञ्...